
take action Tag

Enviroschools Marlborough / Posts tagged "take action" (Page 4)
Stream Study_Banded Kōkopu

Summer Stream Studies

Term 1 has seen plenty of students getting out of the classroom and into a nearby river or stream to learn about healthy waterways. Students from the Home School Co-operative Learners group investigated Pukatea Stream as part of a day out at White’s Bay. They were impressed with the amount of life in the stream, especially the large banded kōkopu found in a shady pool. They got to see the kōkopu’s jumping ability first hand as it leapt from the container and wriggled back to its watery home. Tamariki were concerned that they didn't find any kōura - the group has found lots of them in this stream in the past. Maybe they were...

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Freshwater education Marlborough

Freshwater Education Programme for schools

Explore and learn about Marlborough's freshwater habitats with Marlborough District Council's Freshwater Education Programme. Take a look at the sessions on offer through MDC's Freshwater Education Programme. These sessions are available free-of-charge to Marlborough schools and can be tailored to meet your needs. Contact Anna Crowe to discuss your requirements or to make a booking. ...

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Blenheim School care code

Blenheim School unveil Taylor River Care Code

Students and staff of Te Kura o Waiharakeke | Blenheim School proudly unveiled their ‘Taylor River Care Code’ sign in November. The sign, which has been over a year in the making, sits beside the Taylor River near the John Street footbridge. Developed by the Envirogroup and their Enviroschools Lead Teacher Tracy Holdaway, the care code sets out how the whole community can help the tamariki take care of this special awa. It features beautiful artwork drawn by the students and reflects the special relationship that the school has with the awa that flows right beside it. Many students pass the river each day on their way to and from school, and tamariki regularly pick...

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Garden design at Whitney Street School

Garden design challenge at Whitney Street School

Whitney Street School students are redesigning their Kids' Edible Gardens and taking the chance to learn some of thedesign principals used when building a new garden. It’s tempting to rush in to build a new garden, however not all plants like the same position. The site needs to have enough sunny spaces for sun-loving vegetables while providing shade and shelter for those that like a cooler, sheltered spot. Crazy shapes can look good but are they easy to get to and around with a wheelbarrow full of tools? Will your irrigation reach all parts of the garden? Where will you put your tool shed, workbench, worm farm or compost heap? How can you encourage beneficial insects...

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Enviroschools Action Fund

Funding for student-led action projects

Have an action project in mind, but need some funds to make it happen? The Enviroschools Marlborough team have a small annual fund to help schools take action in the environment. It is as simple as sending an email to Annie ( with information about what your students want to achieve, how much it will cost, and how the money will help them.  We might email you back with a few questions if we need more details, but normally it's a quick and easy process. For more possibilities for funding projects big and small, take a look at our 'funding' padlet:  We'll continue to update this as new opportunities become available.    ...

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Kaitiaki for the awa

Blenheim School: Kaitiaki for the awa

Tamariki at Blenheim School have been thinking about how they care for a place that is very special to their school: The Taylor River. The Envirogroup got together to think about kaitiakitanga, and talked about all of the different kaitiaki that care for the Taylor awa.  These include ātua (e.g.: Tangaroa and Tamanuiterā), taonga species (e.g. tuna | eels), iwi/mana whenua, council, and community members.  The students discovered that they can be kaitiaki for the awa too, as the more kaitiaki the awa has, the healthier the awa will be!  They all had loads of examples of why the river is special to them.  It turns out that they have already been doing some things...

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River artwork

Student artwork by the Taylor River

Student artwork will soon grace some of the entrances to Blenheim's Taylor River. Some of the Springlands Go MAD (Make a Difference) students came up with an idea to design artwork with messages to remind people to take care of special reserves in our region.  The students displayed all the artwork in the staffroom window and then asked the school to vote on their six favourites. The MDC reserves team kindly turned these six artworks into signs that will be displayed on some of the entrances to the Taylor River. This was an exciting project that was totally developed by students with a bit of support. Look out for the signs when you are next...

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Renwick clean up

Enviro week at Renwick School

Ellen Theobald, co-leader of Renwick School's 'Green Ferns' enviro group, wrote this article to tell us about the school's recent Enviro Week activities. Our Green Ferns organised a really fun Enviro Week to coincide with the Climate Strikes and the work done by Climate Karanga and George Varney (Climate Youth Action Team) at the tree planting opportunity that was offered to schools. We also decided that we need to raise the profile of recycling within our classrooms as school systems changed and we needed to educate everyone to let them know what to do.

The Green Ferns ran a competition where classes were encouraged to decorate their cardboard and paper recycling bins (Thanks...

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