Nature Connection Workshop Thursday 5th September 2024 4.30 – 6 pm Harling Park Nature connection nurtures our physical, social, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. This session will share ideas for bringing nature connection into your programme utilising an inclusive approach that foster child led exploration. Email to register by the 30th August 2024...
Read More Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon visit
Meet just over the bridge beside the carpark on Steam Wharf Road Thursday 20th June, 3.30 - 5 pm Originally named Big Bush by Settlers, Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is one of just a few natural wetlands remaining on the Wairau Plain. The beautiful oxbow lake was formed when the Wairau River changed its course roughly 155 years ago. Hear more about Grovetown Lagoon, its history, native flora and fauna as we walk around this amazing Place . Bring walk clothes , comfortable walking shoes and a water bottle. RSVP to Angela Fri 14 June...
Read More An Enviroschool is full of active learners developing skills, understanding, knowledge confidence and working together to plan, design and create a sustainable place … but how do we get to that point?
This term Angela and Annie ran an Enviroschools 101 workshop. This was for those new to Enviroschools or wanting to know a bit more before stepping into a lead role for Enviroschools at their school. Where was the best place to start? Out in the environment! Fairhall School was the background for our activities, noticing and observing te taiao in a slower more deliberate way. A place to map what we found to build a puna mātauranga, pool of knowledge. Creating a map is...
Read More Marlborough teachers from early childhood, primary and secondary schools gathered at Monkey Bay, Rarangi for our second Rongoā workshop this month. As they arrived they were greeted by the glassy rolling swell of Tangaroa, the warmth of Tamanuiterā and the cool, refreshing presence of Tānemahuta. After a busy day in the classroom this warm welcome was the medicine needed to nurture a busy mind. Hosted by the Marlborough District Council Environmental Education team as part of their PLACE focus this year, they invited Ripeka, Whaea Tricia and Koka Lovey from Manaaki Ngahere Trust to share their knowledge on Rongoā plant identification.

- Ripeka

- Koka Lovey and Whaea Tricia
This introductory workshop took kaiako on a guided walk into the...
Read More How often do you take the time to slow down and experience the environment with all your senses?
At the beginning of March Marlborough Early Childhood teachers left feeling inspired and excited to plan their next excursion after attending this term's Nature Connection workshop. Following on from the Nature Connection pilot programme last year where our Environmental Education team supported Spring Creek School and Springlands Kindergarten to set up their own Nature Connection programmes, they hosted an introductory workshop. Gathered at Sheps Park, Springlands Kindergarten teachers guided the group through the experience that they offer tamariki when they have their fortnightly visits there. Opening with a karakia, they then followed their process of a “safety check”...
Read More Rongoā session 2 In term 4 we hosted Ripeka Hook, Tricia Hook and Koka Lovey from Manaaki Ngahere to run an introduction to Rongoā workshop. In this session they will delve more specifically into Native Plant identification. Please wear appropriate shoes for walking in the bush. Thursday, 14th of March Join us from 3.30pm, workshop 4pm-5.30pm Monkey Bay carpark RSVP to by Monday, 4th of March...
Read More Nature Connection “Research shows that the closer we get to nature, the happier we are, the more worthwhile life seems, and the more we are willing to take action to help our wildlife and the environment”. - Nature Connection Handbook Several Schools and Kindergartens in Marlborough have been embedding Nature Connection experiences into their programmes. Come and share ideas and be inspired. Location: Sheps Park RSVP to by Monday, 26th of February, please advise of any dietary requirements. ...
Read More Enviroschools 101 (primary and secondary school) Aimed at teachers new to the Enviroschools Lead role as well as staff and Principals new to your Enviroschool. We’ll explore; Enviroschoolsand how it fits with Te Mataiaho
Enviroschools in your school and how our team can support you
Tools for supporting and encouraging students to become leaders in sustainability
Examples of local student action projects taking place around schools in Wairau and nationally Venue: Fairhall School RSVP to by the Friday, 23rd February Afternoon tea provided If you are unable to make this workshop or feel the entire staff would benefit from delving more deeply into Enviroschools, Angela is available to run this in one of your staff meetings. Or Ramona can...
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