Earlier in the year, Tua Marina and Springcreek Schools teamed up to replant a section of the Kahikatea Reserve. This amazing restoration project was started 20 years ago. The aim being to return the land to original ngahere and water ways. A group sitting quietly counting birds When planting the damaged section, we could hear numerous birds in the maturing ngahere beside us. Of course we also had piwakawaka ducking and diving around us as we disturbed the insects that piwakawaka love to eat. We came up with the idea of returning each year to do a bird count. Both in the 20-year-old section and the newly planted section. This would measure...
Read More Bird of the Year will kick-off on 2 September for 2024, with voting closing at 5pm on Sunday 15 September. Check out the contestants here https://www.birdoftheyear.org.nz/...
Read More As the clouds parted and the sun broke through Marlborough ECE teachers descended upon Koru Native Wildlife Centre. The first event offered to Marlborough ECE teachers as part of the new Environmental Education support pilot for Early Childhood Centres was underway. In line with the regional focus of PLACE and CONNECTION this was an opportunity for teachers to meet Ellen. and see what resources she can support kaiako and tamariki with when learning about some of New Zealands native species. Koru Native Wildlife Centre is situated in Grovetown. It invites you to get up close and learn about brightly coloured Yellow Crowned Kākāriki, fascinating Giant Wētā and Marlborough Green Geckos.

- Gecko

- Kākāriki
The centre is set...
Read More Envirogroup meeting - Kanohi ki te kanohi Koru Native Wildlife Centre, Grovetown Thursday 26 October 1.20 to 2.30 pm Our Zoom meetings have been great but we have been missing seeing you in person! End the year on a high, visiting the Koru Native Wildlife Centre with us. We’ll have some fun Enviroschools activities and you’ll get the rare chance to see brightly coloured Yellow Crowned Kākāriki, fascinating Giant Weta and Marlborough Green Geckos up close. The Grovetown Lagoon is close by. If you are able to take more time out of school, take the opportunity to walk the 50 min loop track of this beautiful wetland or stop at the picnic area for lunch before heading to...
Read More Starting in January of 2023, Conservation Kids NZ will be hosting one major event a month, focussing on a particular species or habitat. Events will be held at various locations around Marlborough and through a variety of methods in an effort to make the events more accessible to whānau and tamariki throughout the entire Marlborough region.
Each event will also have all the information, fun, resources, arts & crafts, videos and so much more on their website! Accessible anywhere, any time, and by any one – EVERYONE can be a Conservation Kid and help Save Our Species!
Sign up to their Facebook page or keep an eye on their website for more details https://www.envirohub.co.nz/saveourspeciesprogramme *Dates, species and...
Read More This year we have access to some funds through Enviroschools from the 1 Billion Trees Fund. Through this fund we have been able to help Waikawa Bay School purchase trees to plant and restore the stream that they have been successfully trapping for a number of years.
Angela, one of our Environmental Educators worked alongside some of the Waikawa Bay School students involved in the trapping and replanting project to identify which trees would be the most suitable to plant and encourage birds to return to the area. Names of plants are important especially for trees with large numbers of species and varieties such as Comprosma and Pittosporum. A name can tell you how tall...
Read More Our term two Sustainable Action Ideas newsletter explores the Enviroschools Guiding Principle of Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures.
It highlights some up coming awareness dates that support this guiding principle as well as shares ideas to celebrate other cultures in your school or centre. There are also a number of workshops happening this term. Click here to access our online Padlets to view this newsletter and previous ones....
Read More An Enviroschools Action Fund makes the Wairau Valley school Enviro Teams dream a reality last year. The plan was to create a native corridor for native birds. The team researched what type of plants native birds like and also discussed the flowering times of
different native plants to provide food through out the year. It was a great practical activity and the students really enjoyed mucking in. ...
Read More Healthy bird populations can indicate that the environment is healthy. We know lots about endangered native birds in the bush, but we don’t always know what’s happening in the populations of all the birds around us, particularly in urban and garden environments. That’s why we need you to help us count them. https://gardenbirdsurvey.nz...
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