Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon visit
Meet just over the bridge beside the carpark on Steam Wharf Road Thursday 20th June, 3.30 - 5 pm Originally named Big Bush by Settlers, Te Whanau Hou Grovetown Lagoon is one of just a few natural wetlands remaining on the Wairau Plain. The beautiful oxbow lake was formed when the Wairau River changed its course roughly 155 years ago. Hear more about Grovetown Lagoon, its history, native flora and fauna as we walk around this amazing Place . Bring walk clothes , comfortable walking shoes and a water bottle. RSVP to Angela angelg@wenties.nz Fri 14 June...
Read More As the clouds parted and the sun broke through Marlborough ECE teachers descended upon Koru Native Wildlife Centre. The first event offered to Marlborough ECE teachers as part of the new Environmental Education support pilot for Early Childhood Centres was underway. In line with the regional focus of PLACE and CONNECTION this was an opportunity for teachers to meet Ellen. and see what resources she can support kaiako and tamariki with when learning about some of New Zealands native species. Koru Native Wildlife Centre is situated in Grovetown. It invites you to get up close and learn about brightly coloured Yellow Crowned Kākāriki, fascinating Giant Wētā and Marlborough Green Geckos.

- Gecko

- Kākāriki
The centre is set...
Read More Tānemahuta, Rongomatāne and Tangaroa greet you at the entrance to Mayfield Kindergarten. These Pou represent the Kindergarten’s connection to their environment. The characteristics of these Atua underpin the learning priorities for the tamariki that attend. Kaiako and tamariki tiaki (care for) these atua and their wide spread environment, made up of the native gardens, mara kai, a rocky awa and open spaces.
Mara kai has been the focus over the last 6 months for kaiako, tamariki and Joy, their gardener. Joy spends 3 hours a week at Mayfield Kindergarten. During this time she empowers the tamariki to be hands on and involved in the garden. Together they sow seeds, plant seedlings, pull out weeds,...
Read More Diversity in Nature
Wednesday 8 November, 3.30 - 5 pm Waikawa Bay School Wairau Marlborough is one of five centres of biodiversity in Aotearoa. We are so lucky to have a high number of endemic plant and animal species that only exist here in Wairau. We will explore what biodiversity is and how you can assess the biodiversity of your school, local waterway or green space using Enviroschools activities as well as community and national initiatives. The students from Waikawa Bay School will join us to share their mahi on trapping as we investigate the issues impacting our precious species. There will be time to link what you have learnt to inquiry topics and the Enviroschools Action Learning Cycle. As...
Read More Join us for coffee and cake as we unpack our Enviroschools kits and get hands on with some practical activities that you can take back to your classroom.
We have several kits available to borrow that have all the resources you need to explore the Enviroschools theme areas of Water of Life, Zero Waste, Living Landscapes and Ecological Buildings. We also have a Beeswax Wrap kit that has all you need for making beeswax wraps. Thursday 10th August 2023 3.30 – 5pm Join us from 3.15pm for coffee and cake Venue to be confirmed Email ramonamillen17@gmail.com to register...
Read More This year we have access to some funds through Enviroschools from the 1 Billion Trees Fund. Through this fund we have been able to help Waikawa Bay School purchase trees to plant and restore the stream that they have been successfully trapping for a number of years.
Angela, one of our Environmental Educators worked alongside some of the Waikawa Bay School students involved in the trapping and replanting project to identify which trees would be the most suitable to plant and encourage birds to return to the area. Names of plants are important especially for trees with large numbers of species and varieties such as Comprosma and Pittosporum. A name can tell you how tall...
Read More Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day. On two days of action each year, teachers take children outdoors to play and learn. All year round, the Outdoor Classroom Day community campaigns for more time outdoors every day....
Read More An Enviroschools Action Fund makes the Wairau Valley school Enviro Teams dream a reality last year. The plan was to create a native corridor for native birds. The team researched what type of plants native birds like and also discussed the flowering times of
different native plants to provide food through out the year. It was a great practical activity and the students really enjoyed mucking in. ...
Read More Healthy bird populations can indicate that the environment is healthy. We know lots about endangered native birds in the bush, but we don’t always know what’s happening in the populations of all the birds around us, particularly in urban and garden environments. That’s why we need you to help us count them. https://gardenbirdsurvey.nz...
Read More Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world. In 2023, it is hosted by Côte D'Ivoire. https://www.un.org/en/observances/environment-day...
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