“The visions we have for the future affect what we think is worth doing in the present”
In term one this year the Redwoodtown Kindergarten teaching team set about creating an Enviroschools vision. They considered what was important to them, the tamariki, whānau and community. Some of the actions that they identified after brainstorming around the Enviroschools Guiding Principles were to strengthen their community relationships, create more gardens and set up a koha table - a place to share produce and kai. To say that it has been a busy year for the team would be an understatement. They have worked hard to make these goals become a reality.
Mara Kai
Having been growing kai in a...
Read More A large group of tamariki Yrs 1 -3 from Riverlands School headed to Onamalutu Reserve earlier this term as a celebration of their learning around sustainability and the living world. At school they had created bird feeders and houses, planted vegetables and cleaned up rubbish. The trip was a chance to see the beautiful areas they can create when nurturing the environment with the small actions they took at school.
The ngahere at Onamalutu is a remnant of podocarp forest once common in Wairau. It has beautiful mature kahikatea, matai and totara. The reserve was donated by a local sawmiller in 1901. This has preserved a small part of the natural ngahere that filled...
Read More On the 29th of October the first ECE written poem was unveiled to be a part of the Taylor River Writers Walk.
Huddled under umbrellas next to the Old Mill on the Taylor River the rain didn’t put anyone off. Students from both Springlands School and Mayfield Kindergarten opened the celebration with waiata. Several speeches followed to acknowledge how special this addition was to an already very well valued part of the Taylor River.

- Springlands School

- Mayfield Kindergarten
This year's poem was a collaborative effort from the Marlborough Kindergarten Association. It combines the voices of multiple tamariki to share their message. Titled Te Awa o Omaka, it reads beautifully about what they value from the...
Read More Matariki - a time of reflection, coming together, celebration and looking to the future.
Earlier this month Montessori celebrated Matariki with their whānau and community. It was also a time to acknowledge 30 years of Montessori operating in Blenheim and the unveiling of their Enviroschools sign. A very special event that was marked with whānau and friends coming together, sharing kai and a heartfelt performance from the tamariki. Ramona Millen from the MDC Environmental Education team was invited to their event to present the community with their sign. She also shared some information about the Enviroschools kaupapa.
The Enviroschools kaupapa is about creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together.
Montessori signed up...
Read More Walking into Awatere Early Learning Centre on the 27th June there was the hum of people, adults and children. In the kitchen a group of mums were organising crock pots of soup and buttering bread. Whilst also arranging other kai that had been brought in by whānau. Meanwhile a group of dads walked through carrying the BBQ ready to start cooking outside. Children were playing and laughing, and younger siblings were desperately trying to keep up. The feel of whānau and community resonated within the room - they have gathered to celebrate Matariki and unveil their new Enviroschools sign.

- Fairy lights lit up the outdoor area

- Whānau helping out in the kitchen

- Ramona Millen unveiling their Enviroschools sign
Awatere Early Learning Centre have been involved in an Enviroschools pilot programme since...
Read More On a cool Spring day on the Taylor River the 21st poem was unveiled.
Written by Mia Lasenby from Wairau Valley School, this new poem forms part of the Writers Walk. Springlands School students who were passionate about the environment start the project in 2009. The students had been learning all about the Taylor River including its water quality and came up with an idea that would make a difference then and in the future.
With support from Marlborough District Council, who provided the large rocks. Sowmans Funeral Home who set the poems on plaques. Cathee Wilks and Ali Kay, teachers and project champions. 14 years on, the project is still going strong. They have...
Read More Matariki is the Māori name for a group of stars also known as the Pleiadea star cluster, or The Seven Sisters, Te Iwi o Matariki (the nine stars of Matariki) are referred to as the traditional Māori New Year. The Matariki holiday for 2023 is on Friday 14th July....
Read More Our term one Sustainable Action Ideas newsletter explores the Enviroschools Guiding Principle of Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures.
It highlights some of the changes we have made to the delivery of the programme as well as some ideas for taking action. On page four you will also find this terms PLD opportunities and awareness dates. Click here to access our online Padlets to view this newsletter and previous ones....
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