Each year from 4 - 10 October, World Space Week celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. World Space Week 2022 celebrates “Space and Sustainability”! Join thousands of participants in over 90 countries celebrating sustainability in space, and sustainability from space....
Read More To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals....
Read More The United Nations' (UN) World Habitat Day is annually celebrated on the first Monday of October to reflect on the state of human settlements and people's right to sufficient shelter. It also aims to remind people that they are responsible for the habitat of future next generations....
Read More Our Sustainable Action Ideas newsletter is filled with exciting upcoming events and dates as well as ideas to connect with your environment and community.
Click here to access our online Padlets to view this newsletter and previous ones....
Read More Take a look at our list of ways that your students could take action towards sustainability this term.
Click here to link through to the list in our Enviroschools Marlborough google drive....
Read More Take a look at our list of ways that your students could take action towards sustainability this term.
Click here to link through to the list in our Enviroschools Marlborough google drive....
Read More A large group of empowered students and their supporters joined the School Strike 4 Climate Action at Seymour Square on March 15th.
The students did themselves proud: peacefully, positively and enthusiastically making their voices and their message heard.
The organising groups from Marlborough Boys’ and Marlborough Girls’ colleges did an impressive job of organising the local protest, and in the process, formed some new links between the enviro groups at the two schools. They are now hoping to work together on some other projects, so watch this space!
Read More At the end of last term, Riverlands School got the whole school involved in celebrating Earth Day 2018!

- Reading ‘The Lorax’

- Colouring!

- Collage

- Kahoot quiz
Student enviro leaders planned, organised and ran activities that got students thinking about how they could go easy on the Earth at school and at home. They used all of their creativity and organisational skills to come up with a huge number of fun and interesting activities that included a reading of "The Lorax", scavenger hunts, making headbands, earth crafts, goal setting, kahoot quizzes and 'the waste timeline'. Clearly, everyone had a blast, and put lots of thought into what they can do to help our planet. The enviro leaders can be very proud of their efforts that...
Read More Despite it being the shortest day of the year, students at all three Marlborough colleges celebrated 'Bike to School Day' last week. Students who travelled to school by bike, foot, skateboard or bus were rewarded with hot drinks and prizes. Three Queen Charlotte College students biked all the way from Havelock, picking up another cyclist from Momorangi Bay along the way (pictured above)! Top marks for dedication, people! Thank you to our environmental leaders at Marlborough Girls' College, Marlborough Boys' College and Queen Charlotte College for making a difference by organising the celebrations and encouraging their classmates to consider using environmentally-friendly transport to get to school. We can't wait to see what else you have planned for...
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