Renwick Kindergarten Pause and Reflect
A key aspect to the Enviroschools journey is reflection. “Reflection is an integral part of the learning cycle, helping us to make sense of our experiences, deepen our learning, and gain direction for the journey ahead”.
Renwick Kindergarten have been a Green Gold Enviroschols since 2019. Earlier this year they decided to reflect on their journey. They had completed all their “next steps” from their Green Gold reflection and felt it was time to identify some new ones.

Renwick Kindergarten tamariki, John Leggett and Anne Best test out the new water access at Rousehill Reserve
As their team reflected on the last four years it quickly became apparent the Enviroschools kauapapa is no longer a “lens” but rather a part of their Kindergarten Kaupapa and an intrinsic part of who they are. All of the Enviroschools Guiding Principles are well embedded in their practice, programme and environment (all Key Areas of the Kindergarten).
Their pedagogy has evolved to integrate the Enviroschools kaupapa. Examples of this are, karakia and pepeha are embedded in everyday routines, rituals and events. Papatūānuku and ngā Atua are recognised in all areas of the environment and this is visible in their programme planning and environment. The tamariki reflect this knowledge and understanding through the language that they use. They acknowledge the Atua and their presence in te taiao.
Their reach into the community has gone well beyond their Kindergarten. The collective strength of their community was particularly noticeable when they collected resources for care packages to go to those impacted by cyclone Gabrielle.
- Donations being sorted and organised ready for transportation.
- Donations being loaded on to the horse float.
The Renwick Kindergarten team have created a culture of sustainability both in the environmental space and team culture. Through empowerment, tamariki, whānau and kaiako are supported to make real change. Visionary actions bring courageous dreams to life.
In 2021 they had solar panels installed on their Kindergarten after years of support with fundraising from whānau and community. Local council acknowledged and supported their continued efforts to tiaki (care for) Rousehill Reserve in 2022, when they installed access to water, after tamariki sent letters of request to local councillors. This meant no more having to carry water containers from the Kindergarten. Both the tamariki, and the plants that they take care of, were able to stay well hydrated.
- Renwick Kindergarten learn all about Energy
- Kiera’s solar power illustration
Due to the ever-changing nature of the roll, as tamariki head off to school, and new children and kaiako are welcomed, they were able to show how sustained the Enviroschools Kaupapa is within their Kindergarten. They continue to maintain and extend their practices by revisiting areas of importance and critically reflecting. Small changes, such as swapping to glass milk bottles and reusable coffee cups, role model sustainable practices and have a ripple on effect to those around them.
As the team continue their mahi for a sustainable future they have written their own aspirational statement to guide them;
At Renwick Kindergarten, we are committed to creating a thriving community that embraces sustainability and environmental stewardship. We strive for excellence in all that we do, with a focus on intergenerational impact and empowerment. Our goal is to be a leader in sustainability. Not just in our immediate community, but also at a national and global level, alongside mana whenua.
We believe that true sustainability is more than just reducing our carbon footprint. It is about creating a culture of respect, inclusion, and practices which are mana-enhancing for people, places, and things. We are proud to be a community hub where whānau feel welcome, empowered and inspired to make a difference. Our approach is forward-thinking, visionary, and critical.
At Renwick Kindergarten, sustainability is intrinsic to our kaupapa; it is how we think, breathe, and feel. We are dedicated to shaping and growing courageous and visionary thinkers for a future where sustainability is at the forefront of our collective consciousness. Together, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.
You can hear more about their journey here or read the following articles.
Renwick Kindergarten Enviroschools journey with Rousehill Reserve