Rai Valley’s Fantastic Farmers
The Year 13 Enviro Class at Rai Valley Area School made this poster (and scones!) to highlight the wonderful work that local farmers are doing to improve water quality in the area.
The class has been studying water quality in the local rivers throughout the year. They have spoken to scientists, joined them to test water and river health, and examined data on water quality for themselves. They have been highly impressed by many of the awesome things that farmers are doing to improve the health of Rai Valley’s rivers, such as fencing off waterways, building bridges or creating underpasses for stock to cross rivers, growing plants for riparian and wetland plantings, and building barns for cows to use during the wet winter months, when their hooves can damage wet ground.
It is fantastic to see these students exploring this topic in such depth, and gaining a fresh insight into, and appreciation for, local efforts to care for their rivers.

The students displayed the poster and this note in the Rai Valley township, along with freshly-baked scones.