Nature Connection Workshops
Did you know that spending time in nature can support multiple developmental domains including intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and physical?
There has been a growing interest and awareness of nature connection benefits amongst kaiako/ teachers. In support of this Enviroschools and REAP Marlborough hosted Celia Hogan from Little Kiwis Nature Play to come and share her knowledge and expertise with kaiako this term.
Across two workshops, Celia unpacked the benefits of nature connection. How tamariki/ children play and what they require to do so. As well as ideas on how to enhance the outdoor environment.
She facilitated discussions around the barriers and opportunities that nature connection offer from a diverse and cultural perspective. This covered opportunities such as, future kaitiaki of our land, a chance for others to lead that otherwise might not, bring different perspectives and that we all equal in nature – it does not discriminate.
So what is the role of the adult when out in nature? Their role consists of three key things being an observer, a support and to manage any significant hazards.
Celia highlighted the importance of noticing, recognising and responding to the different developmental needs of tamariki through their schema (play urges). With this knowledge we then discussed how to set up our environments with “loose parts”. Loose parts are materials that have no specific set of direction. Loose parts can be used alone or combined with others, they can be natural objects such as sticks, stones, pinecones, planks, flowers or synthetic such as tyres, tarps, ropes, buckets. Nature play is an ideal opportunity for children to play out their urges and develop their brains.
All kaiako that attended the workshops found them hugely beneficial. They went away with new ideas and a better understanding of how nature can nurture everyone.
- Getting creative with loose parts from nature
- Reconnecting with childhood memories in nature
- Identifying schema in children’s play