September 27, 2018
MGC go exploring!
A bus load of Marlborough Girls’ College students and their supporting teachers recently travelled over the hill to be hosted by the Nelson College for Girls Enviro Team.
Keen environmental leaders from MGC were looking for some inspiration for next steps for their school, and they found it with their enthusiastic counterparts at NCG.
The NCG enviro team shared some of their projects including a recycling station, a very cool upcycled clothing shop that opens a couple of times a term, and their school beehives.
They also shared their Enviroschools journey to become Silver which included running movie evenings with environmental films, hosting interesting visiting speakers and inviting the public to attend, and running an energy challenge at school complete with chocolate for prizes!
Our MGC students came away with some ideas that are now in the preparation stages, so watch this space!
- Beehive info
- Notice board
- Thrift shop
- Thrift shop drop off
- NCG recycling bin