Matariki at Montessori
Matariki – a time of reflection, coming together, celebration and looking to the future.
Earlier this month Montessori celebrated Matariki with their whānau and community. It was also a time to acknowledge 30 years of Montessori operating in Blenheim and the unveiling of their Enviroschools sign. A very special event that was marked with whānau and friends coming together, sharing kai and a heartfelt performance from the tamariki.
Ramona Millen from the MDC Environmental Education team was invited to their event to present the community with their sign. She also shared some information about the Enviroschools kaupapa.
The Enviroschools kaupapa is about creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together.
Montessori signed up to be an Enviroschools at the beginning of the year after being involved in an 18 month pilot programme. They found the ES kaupapa and Montessori philosophy held many synergies and was an easy fit.
During this event the team also invited feedback from the community on their Vision Map for Montessori. An Enviroschools Vision Map brings together everyone’s ideas and guides collaborative actions for a sustainable future.
“The visions we have for the future affect what we think is worth doing in the present”.
Over the past month the teaching team and tamariki have been gathering ideas on how they want Montesorri to look/feel and sound. What they want to be able to “do” rather than what they “want”. And what special “qualities” they want at Montessori?

Montessori’s Vision Map
Matariki felt like the perfect time to look to the future for Montessori. To gather the voices of their community whilst also reflecting and celebrating the past 30 years.