Matariki at Awatere Early Learning Centre
Walking into Awatere Early Learning Centre on the 27th June there was the hum of people, adults and children. In the kitchen a group of mums were organising crock pots of soup and buttering bread. Whilst also arranging other kai that had been brought in by whānau. Meanwhile a group of dads walked through carrying the BBQ ready to start cooking outside. Children were playing and laughing, and younger siblings were desperately trying to keep up. The feel of whānau and community resonated within the room – they have gathered to celebrate Matariki and unveil their new Enviroschools sign.
- Fairy lights lit up the outdoor area
- Whānau helping out in the kitchen
- Ramona Millen unveiling their Enviroschools sign
Awatere Early Learning Centre have been involved in an Enviroschools pilot programme since 2022. During this time the team showed commitment to the Enviroschools kaupapa and dedication to an ongoing sustainable journey. Early in 2024 Ramona Millen and Annie McDonald from the MDC Environmental Education team meet with the teachers to invite them to join the programme permanently. This was well received by the team and a commitment made to undertake the long term sustainable journey.
The Enviroschools kaupapa is about creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through learning and taking action together.
Moving forward several months a Matariki whānau event was being planned. The team felt that this was the perfect opportunity to unveil their sign and celebrate this new journey with their community.
Ramona attended the event to share about what it means to be an Enviroschool. She also acknowledged the work the team have already done and invited the community to join them on their journey.
The sign was then unveiled to a round of applause and followed by a performance from the tamariki.