Linkwater School’s Green Gold Review
Linkwater School has now been a Green Gold School for 5 years. Students recently shared what they have done since becoming a Green Gold School as part of their review reflection.
There would need to be a lot more pages to share all of the projects that they have undertaken and how they have intertwined sustainability into their curriculum, programmes, and wider community.
Led by their awesome students, we got to see their many actions displayed on whole walls around their library. Projects ranged from a hazelnut living hut through to upcycled swings.
- Linkwater’s Little Library
- Upcycled swing
Of note was the way that they had tried new things out: in some cases acknowledging that the things that they had planned did not actually work. In these cases, they had to adapt and be creative to achieve their goals. The support that the students had received from their teachers and wider community was evident here.
Linkwater may be a small school but they are achieving some pretty big outcomes. If you are looking for inspiration on your Enviroschools journey, Linkwater School is the place to visit!