Linkwater Learners Share Their Journey
Linkwater School are a Green Gold Enviroschool working towards their next steps.
As part of this, they have been sharing their journey with other Enviroschools. We got a chance to share in a visit with another school to see just what they have been doing and we all came away very inspired.
After being met by some very articulate students, we were each gifted a kete which held their school image and vision. We were then taken to the newly refurbished library to see the wall showing their Enviroschools progress from Bronze to Silver and onto Green Gold. It even highlighted their pretty impressive next steps as a school working to Beyond Green Gold.
Students then shared some of their learning around their skills and inquiry programme, and later we got to see first-hand how their learning hubs work in the classroom. It was interesting to see how much of their programme is linked to the topic of sustainability, and how flexible the learning environment was.
- Inquiry learning
- Bee Garden
- Next steps
On the tour of the school we loved all the visual art, especially as much of it was designed by students with a purpose and a story that represents who they are and where they live.
Thanks Linkwater, for showing us how your students are actively engaged in environmental change. It was very clear that this engagement is having a significant effect on the school, community, nation and planet.