
Enviroschools ECE Inspiration and Sharing zoom session

Empowered learners - Achieving empowered learners requires adults to treat young people’s opinions seriously and to employ child-centred teaching and learning strategies such as enquiry learning, action research and experiential learning’. Our two Early Childhood Centres contributing this term, will be sharing with us how...

Introduction to Enviroschools Kaupapa (Kindergarten)

CANCELLED This hui will explore the Enviroschools guiding principles, "a whole centre approach" and how Enviroschools and Te Whāriki compliment each other. Location to be confirmed RSVP by the 5th September

World Habitat Day

The United Nations' (UN) World Habitat Day is annually celebrated on the first Monday of October to reflect on the state of human settlements and people's right to sufficient shelter. It also aims to remind people that they are responsible for the habitat of future...

World Animal Day

To raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. Building the celebration of World Animal Day unites the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals.

World Space Week

Each year from 4 - 10 October, World Space Week celebrates the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition. World Space Week 2022 celebrates “Space and Sustainability”! Join thousands of participants in over 90 countries celebrating sustainability in space,...

NZAEE Local day

The New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE) are holding an online conference on the 12 October NZAEE Conference October 2022 | NZAEE Collections | Read more and prior to that supporting a local connection day of learning and networking. Join the local Marlborough event by visiting...

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is annually observed on the second Wednesday of October to raise the profile of disaster risk reduction. It also encourages people and governments to participate in building more resilient communities and nations.

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day. On two days of action each year, teachers take children outdoors to play and learn. All year round, the Outdoor Classroom Day community campaigns for more time outdoors every...

Kids Edible Gardens Teacher workshop

Blenheim School Hall Bleheim, Marlborough, New Zealand

Join Angela and Annie to explore what a Sustainable Community is and how Kids Edible Gardens can be used to build and support a Sustainable Community within your school and outside of your school gates. We will take a look at the resources within the...

Primary Envirogroup Zui

We’ll be revisiting the Enviroschools Journey with a virtual trip down the Wairau Awa. Your Envirogroup will reflect on what point they are at in their journey and together we will talk about how you could share your achievements sustainably. RSVP to Angela by Fri...

Get Outdoors Week

Get Outdoors Week is  about (safe) self-driven outdoor recreation, encouraging physical activity, connection to nature, and celebrating our environment. This year the week has a focus on accessibility, that is highlighting outdoor activity for all ages and abilities - whether it's someone with mobility differences or...

World Kindness Day

The purpose of World Kindness Day is to highlight and encourage good deeds in your community. It also serves as a reminder to all that simple acts of kindness have power and that together, we can all work to create a kinder world.