
Enviroschools ECE Inspiration and Sharing Zoom

Sharing their Enviroschools Mahi this term; Milford Kindergarten (Auckland Kindergarten Association) Milford Kindergarten exploring Mana Whenua (through Te Whāriki lens). A story sharing their exploration of Te Whāriki strand of Mana Whenua and how this supported changes in their philosophy, practice, and Enviroschools mahi. A journey...

Human Rights Day

The United Nations' (UN) Human Rights Day is annually observed December 10 to mark the anniversary of the presentation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

International Mountain Day

The theme of this year's International Mountain Day (IMD) on 11 December will be sustainable mountain tourism. Sustainable tourism in mountains can contribute to creating additional and alternative livelihood options and promoting poverty alleviation, social inclusion, as well as landscape and biodiversity conservation. It is...

World Wetlands Day

Wetland Restoration the theme for 2023 highlights the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration. Nearly 90% of the world’s wetlands have been degraded since the 1700s, and we are losing wetlands three times faster than forests. Yet, wetlands are critically important ecosystems that contribute to...

Waitangi Day

New Zealand's national day. Every year on 6 February. Commemorates the first signing of New Zealand’s founding document: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, The Treaty of Waitangi, on 6 February 1840.

YSS National – Train the Trainer Workshop Blenheim

Lansdowne Hub 6b Lansdowne Street, Blenheim, New Zealand

Are you a teacher or educator who is keen to help your school and your students embrace a culture dedicated to climate action? Does the idea of sustainable behaviour patterns for life appeal to you? Or maybe you’d like to be the person who transformed...



Seaweek is an opportunity for all ages to discover the many ways that our lives are connected to the sea.

Compost and Worms Workshop

Tua Marina School , New Zealand

Come along and learn about how to set up a successful compost or worm farm. Thursday 23th March Tua Marina School 3.30 – 5 pm.  Join us from 3.10 pm for coffee and cake before we start. To register please RSVP to Angela

Takahē Awareness Month

The flightless takahē (South Island takahē; Porphyrio hochstetteri), is the world’s largest living rail (a family of small-medium sized ground-dwelling birds with short wings, large feet and long toes). The North Island takahē (moho; P. mantelli) is unfortunately extinct. Takahē have special cultural, spiritual and...

Earth Day

Earth Day is a global event where people honour the natural environment and raise awareness of environmental issues that trouble the world. By taking part in Earth Day, students can learn about the current state of the planet and explore options for sustainability.

Stop Food Waste Day

Our mission at Stop Food Waste Day is to ignite change regarding the global food waste issue. We do this by drawing attention to the problem, at the same time educating through engaging with society at all levels and sharing practical, creative, and impactful ways...

Save Our Species – Giant Weta Day

Pollard Park Baden Powell Reserve, 55 Parker Street, Blenheim, New Zealand

Starting in January of 2023, Conservation Kids NZ will be hosting one major event a month, focussing on a particular species or habitat. Events will be held at various locations around Marlborough and through a variety of methods in an effort to make the events...