ECE centres take part in Enviroschools pilot
This term, kaiako from ECE centres taking part in an Enviroschools pilot attended a workshop and visited kindergartens to see the programme in action.
Four ECE centres are currently taking part in the pilot, and they visited two kindergartens that are very active in the Enviroschools programme: Seymour and Renwick.
Renwick shared the pepeha, karakia and tiriti that they have developed to connect to their special places and values. Outside, they showed the group their strawberry walls and multi-purpose hut area. They also shared their learning around energy and the newly installed solar panels. Seymour showed the group their bike track, new composting area, butterfly house and the beautiful community-created mural that represents the things that are special to them.
It was so inspiring for the teachers to see the variety of ways that these kindergartens are incorporating education for sustainability into their places, practices and programmes. They went away bursting with ideas!

Seymour Kindergarten’s colourful new mural