

Enviroschools Marlborough / Enviroschools stories  / Blenheim School unveil Taylor River Care Code
Blenheim School care code

Blenheim School unveil Taylor River Care Code

Students and staff of Te Kura o Waiharakeke | Blenheim School proudly unveiled their ‘Taylor River Care Code’ sign in November.

The sign, which has been over a year in the making, sits beside the Taylor River near the John Street footbridge. Developed by the Envirogroup and their Enviroschools Lead Teacher Tracy Holdaway, the care code sets out how the whole community can help the tamariki take care of this special awa. It features beautiful artwork drawn by the students and reflects the special relationship that the school has with the awa that flows right beside it.

Many students pass the river each day on their way to and from school, and tamariki regularly pick up rubbish from the river reserve, both independently and on school-led ‘womble walks’. They have also learnt about the special creatures that live in and around the awa, giving them even more reason to care.

Kei whea kē mai te pai o te mahi nei – what an excellent job!

Care code_Blenheim School